

Description Quantity Unit cost NRC MRC
Colocation per U without Bandwidth 1 R1385.54 R870.75 R1385.54
Colocation per U with Bandwidth 1 R1059.53 R870.75 R1059.53

  • Term is 12 months
  • Includes power



Description Quantity Unit cost NRC MRC
Half Rack (22u) 22 R917.77 R13637.65 R20 191.04
  • Term is 12 months
  • Includes power


Additional costs

Description Quantity Unit cost NRC MRC
Cross Connect 1 R1350.82 R2123.47 R1350.82
Cross Connect expedited (same Day) 1 R1250.76 R5025.97 R1250.76
  • Need to connect to another provider within the datacentre
  • Cross connects (can be fibre or copper; cross-connect term is 12months in Teraco)


Need connectivity?

Description Quantity Unit cost NRC MRC
Direct Internet Access-(Mbps) 100 R33,00 R870.75 R3 300,00
Direct Internet Access-(Mbps) 500 R25.00 R870.75 R12 500,00
Direct Internet Access-(Mbps) 1000 R19.00 R870.75 R19 000,00
Additional public IP address 1 R100.00 R250.00 R100.00



Network Platforms provides Half Rack as well as Shared per u Rack options

The fundamental difference is you will be able to visit the datacentre unsupervised with a half-rack. The half-rack option offers 22u of rack space. All our colocation prices include power.

Multiple geographic locations

Colocation services are available in all the Teraco datacentres, namely, Johannesburg JB1, Durban DB1 and Cape Town CT1.

Instant cost savings

The price tag traditionally attached to setting up a server room or datacentre is reduced. There is no need to invest in items such as fire suppression systems, connectivity, backups, generators and security. Network Platforms handles it for you.

24-hour access

Allows for 24- hour access for clients who commit to a dedicated half rack.

Shared rack space

Only need to co-locate a few devices, a server a switch a router, only commit to the rack space required. Datacentre visits need to be booked in advance, as all shared colocation customers are accompanied by a St connect engineer.

Dedicated bandwidth

We offer various dedicated internet bandwidth options. Package options are above.


Don’t need dedicated internet access and need to connect to other providers within Teraco , we offer colocation with bandwidth or without. Shared colocation is available on a month-to-month basis.

Remote hands
Need to rack, connect, move cables, or reboot equipment no need to visit the datacentre, the remote hand’s service is not limited to office hours.

Optional modular add-on services
We offer additional services to complement your colocation.

  • Firewall as a Service – protect your servers with our shared enterprise HA firewall service.
  • Need to back up your co-located servers. Our backup solutions are replicated to two different geographic regions.
  • Does your equipment only have one power supply, connect to our Automatic Transfer Switch, and get connected to both A and B power feeds.
  • Looking for Endpoint security, we offer next-generation EDR and CDR platforms.
  • Need to replicate your co-located server to add redundancy – we offer replication to various regions adding geographic datacentre diversity.
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